Friday, March 31, 2017

March is over! This has been a very hectic month. We started the month with the end of Mardi Gras and a return to real life. After coming back to school we basically immediately started studying for our shelf exam. This exam is the same NBME board exam that second year medical students have to take. It covered basically everything we have learned in Med Pharm so it was over all the drugs covered on the various blocks we've done this year. We were tested over various drugs' indications, side effects, drug interactions, mechanisms, and pharmacokinetic properties. After the shelf exam, we got back in the groove of classes and just recently had our second exam in our cellular control class. This exam covered apoptosis and various information on the role of the mitochondria in the human body. I'll be finishing my volunteering in the coming weeks and my next blog post will be my last!

Volunteering hours for March: 0
Total volunteering hours: 18